Legal notice

Provider identification according to the Teleservices Act

CG TEC Carbon und Glasfasertechnik GmbH

Gewerbepark Hügelmühle 41
91174 Spalt, Germany

Tel: +49 9175 908070
Fax: +49 9175 9080720

eMail: vasb@pt-grp.qr

Partners authorized to represent the company: Oliver Kipf, Andrea Kipf
Responsible for content according to §6 MDStV: Oliver Kipf

Register court: Local court Nuremberg
Register number: HRB 42402

Value added tax identification number in accordance with § 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE364207726
Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
Changes and errors excepted!

Website creation and support:

Innovie GmbH
Am Taubenacker 22
91166 Georgensgmünd

E-Mail: znvy@vaabivr.zr
Tel: 09172 4184097

Image sources used

The following images were purchased from for use on this website:

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